

  1、ask you to marry me! You will be the second happy person in the world, because you marry me and I will be the first happy person in the world.

  2、do you need a reason for dinner? Dont you need it? Do you need it?... I dont think I need it.

  3、I may not be the best, but is there any other choice now?

  4、it is not easy to say love you... Why? What did I say?

  5、The 5. sea is not dry, the stone is not rotten, my lover, as long as you are happy, I will change together with them.

  6、love is the fate, love is moved, love is habit, love is tolerance, love is sacrifice, love is considerate, love is a lifelong commitment.

  7、is not because of loneliness to think of you, but because it is lonely to think of you. The feeling of loneliness is so heavy, just because it is too deep. "

  8、I have 8. clusters of the past, sentimental attachment, in the bright spring days days, woven into Acacia garland, dedicated to you.

  9、first meeting, you are I can not erase the missing; fate, you and I pass. Even if the share, I am still your faithful friend, sincerely wish you a happy Valentines day!

  10、every heart, is my deep thoughts and wishes.

  11、The 11. is concerned about a heart loving caring for another heart, a ray of Acacia a happy drunk a warmth, two hearts, two flower blooming flower. It is a long time to wait for it to be remembered.

  12、when the sun did not climb up the vine - covered fence; my impatient red roses were already full of your windowsill. Let it bring you my sincere blessings: Happy Valentines Day!

  , give love to a face that is not old, let all love remain unchanged for life; give love a vow of regret, let love and love each other miss each other; give love to a vast blue sky, let that love be full of human life. Happy Valentines Day!

  14、we are not necessarily inseparable, but some hearts; dont be icing on the cake, but must be timely assistance; not always contact, but must constantly worried about!

  15、miss you miss you, the season in a hurry, but why do not always miss you. A long hanging heart, always in memory of you, I wish you a happy Valentines Day!

  , the twilight that cant be swept away, several thoughts, endless words, sincere wishes, quietly tell you, I miss you, a kind greeting, Happy Valentines Day!

  17、love without taste is pure, love without temperature is reason, love without color is simple. Love can have nothing, but I can do nothing for love.

  18、place, breeze spontaneously remember beautiful and sweet memories, miss you and bless you: give you a sincere blessing, save it, never forget me! Happy Valentines Day!

  19、if you dont have a lover, haha. We are the same people. Who says you have to have a lover to pass Valentines Day! I wish you a happy Valentines Day!

  , I remember your appearance with my hands, I remember your voice with my ears, I remember your taste with my lips, I remember your dots with my eyes, I remember all your intentions, I love you, baby!

  21、wealth can not meet happy to buy quiet; love partners in love and happiness, is the worlds treasure! Sweetheart, Happy Valentines Day!

  22、without you, the face of the wind is ferocious. I toss and turn my thoughts into strings on the pillow of time. My love! Do you hear the greetings from the cloud? Happy Valentines Day!

  23、every time you and I will have a sense of the impulse to see, listen to your breath, kiss your lips. Go to Shouhou, life at stake, Valentines day, I want to say to you "I love you".

  24、miss like chocolate, bitter, sweet... Dare not think of you, afraid will think of you: dare not say think of you, afraid to think more of you... In fact, I really really miss you. Happy Valentines Day!

  25、from the moment I see you, my heartbeat tells me that you are the person I am waiting for in this life.

  26、"you", the most loved one of my life; "you", the most desired person in my life; "you", I would like to wait a whole life; "you", the only woman in my life. Happy Valentines Day!

  27、never fade is the silent care of you, never stop the endless yearning for you, never change is the deep love for you. Happy Valentines Day!

  28、mud is the mouth of the nest is short! The mud is the smells of the nest! Looking at the mud affectionately in the nest! The nest should say to the mud, the nest is low mud!

  29、if love you is a wrong word, then I would be wrong to add the wrong, even if the wrong life!

  30、everlasting longing for you, both cold, cold night, Valentines day alone, Gu yingzi mournful.

  31、life is always going to be old, but I will always remember the good times and the warm years with you. On the way of life, I wish you a bright mood and a long future.

  32、and no mistake, because youve gone; the breeze not language, because Im crying; I dont want you, because I still.

  , every ray of sunshine is full of my yearning for you. Every white cloud has placed my yearning for you. Every defoliation has expressed my love for you. Every text message has included my affectionate feeling for you. Valentines day, Happy Valentines Day!

  34、you come from Yuanmou, Yunnan, I come from Zhoukou, Beijing, let me pull up your velvet hand! Love! Lets walk upright!

  35、love you is not the purpose, the purpose is to love you! Love you is not the purpose, the purpose is to love you all your life!

  36、if one day you have a feeling of hunger, then you will see, I have been starving in your arms with a smile.

  37、if the frog didnt become a prince and if the princess didnt wake up if the little mermaid didnt turn into a bubble, would I believe in love?

  38、love is the heart of yearning, a sense of resonance, is the inspiration of the collision, is the lightning blazed, is sweet wine, is intoxicating wine. I wish you a happy Valentines Day!

  39、to see you, Im afraid of electric shock; I dont see you, I need to charge; if I dont have you, I think Ill cut off the power. Love you is my career, I think you are my career, you are my special, kiss you are my professional!

  40、want to be your mobile phone, put in your arms, hold in your hand, look in your eyes, remember in your heart!

  41、baby: I have a toothache recently, because I often think of you at night. It feels too sweet to have tooth decay.

  42、of your thoughts are too heavy, the telephone line is broken, the phone card is burned, the wallet is exhausted, the sleeping pills are exhausted, and I still miss you.

  43、you are the train, I am the railway; you are bricks and tiles I am the mud; you are the clouds I am the wind; you are chocolate I am wrapping paper; you love me is love you really wonderful.

  44、I love you like the surging river and as the Yellow River flood The stream never stops flowing., a get out of hand, I want to love you again The sun sinks in the west. glorious and resplendent you I cant live without you, I must have you.

  , I want to send you roses. Unfortunately, the price is too high, I want to comfort you, but I havent learned yet to kneel to you. The ring is still in the safe. I can only send you a text message to catch up with you, hoping we will never blow it.

  , forgive me for giving your cell phone number to a stranger. His name is Cubitt. He wants to tell you for me. My heart likes you, my heart cares for you, my heart waits for you.

  47、you are poison, permeate my blood, penetrate my nerve, control my brain!

  48、broken pot has broken the cover, chougui own ugly love, as long as the feeling is like the sea, Mazi can also put the brilliance!

  49、I love who you are, I love the people too horrible to look at not bad in orgies, and is silent in the metamorphosis.

  50、your name is the only word I am in the "love record", and you are the only flight in my "ocean of love"! Let me ride this flight to a romantic Valentines Day!

  51、if the heart is near, the far road is also short, the lonely people are so many, happy few, Happy Valentines Day!

  , if the world has only ten minutes, I will remember the wind and rain with you. If I have only three minutes, I will kiss you. If I have only one minute, I will say "I love you".

  53、from the first sight of you, I found that I finally found the other half of me! I want to give her the happiness of her life! Never wavered! I firmly believe that my life is unswervingly! Happy Valentines Day! Happy Valentines Day!

  54、sweet honey, you smile sweet honey, like flowers in the spring wind, open in the spring wind. Why are you smiling so sweet? Because I gave you a blessing! Happy Valentines day, baby!

  55、every day for your heart, every moment is touched by you, every second for you to worry. Its nice to have you.

  56、according to the "information" you sent to me, it shows that you arewilling to let me open your "file". I have a "core" for you. The "data"downloaded from my "hard disk" is "I love you". Happy valentines day!

  57、Hold it for you and worry about it for you; Be happy for you and worryfor you. Be happy and worry in my heart. Dream for you, wake for you, befascinated by you. Valentines Day reminds you that my life is complete onlywith you.

  58、I am your loyal audience, your smiles and smiles are engraved in myheart, your anger and joy are imprinted in my mind, your every move is deeplyhidden in my heart, and your words and deeds are recorded in my dictionary.Dear, on Valentines Day, I would like to be your forever big wolf!

  59、I specially collected the first sunshine of Valentines Day, put it intomy mobile phone and sent it to you as a short message. I hope you can feel mywarm blessing when you receive this "fresh" message: Be sure to be happy!

  60、Im water and youre mud. Together, I make heaven and earth, and then Ibreak into pieces in the sun. You and I refuse to grow old in the pieces. Happyvalentines day!

  61、In fact, the sky is blue, and the clouds always disperse. In fact, thesea is not wide, and this shore is connected to the other shore. In fact, dreamsare shallow, everything is natural, and tears are sweet. When your heart getswhat you want, my idea is actually very simple, as long as you are happy everyday!

  62、The steps of the years, stepping on the imprint of love; There are wispsof breeze, flowing with flying thoughts; Put a lock on love, one is me and theother is you; Im fascinated to miss you!

  63、I want to be with you forever, but meet like a meteor; I want to be withyou, but I get together like a epiphyllum; Although you and I are not togethernow, my thoughts are uninterrupted; Valentines Day is coming, I wish you ahappy life!

  64、True happiness is when there are only two people left in the world. Ihope it will be you and me. The real beauty is that after Valentines Day, weare an enviable couple! The real success is to pursue your perseverance andfinally embrace the beauty; Happy Valentines Day.

  65、Missing is the song I sing for you, and every sentence is precious;True feelings are poems I wrote for you, with sincere words. When the sunsetreddens the sky, my love for you is burning. Dear, Happy Valentines Day!

  66、Because there is a sea of people, meeting you is the most beautifulaccident. Everyone hopes to meet someone in the best years, but it is often whenthey meet someone that the best years are ushered in. As long as you dont letgo, I can love you for a long time.

  67、You are in love with you, and you are infatuated with your life; Icant see you, only sad; Please rest assured that there is no one around you;Heart for heart, even if the arrow wears the heart, dont change your mind!

  68、There are countless thoughts, and the maple leaves are sweet all overthe sky. The sun is shining during the day with you, the moon is bright at nightwith you, and when you sleep with a smile, because you are happy. Now I want tosay: Dear, I miss you.

  69、On Valentines Day, there are prizes to guess riddles: "Its good tohave a woman at home, colorful silk threads make brocade, and swans dont seebirds when they leave". Guess and send you a bunch of roses, and then send you awhisper: Happy Valentines Day!

  70、Cloudy clouds, bright moonlight, vast starry sky, deep affection, longmagpie bridge, soft ballads, quietly singing, warm heart swinging, gentlestrings, beautiful lovesickness, gentle greetings, deep gaze, love ValentinesDay, and close miss you.

  71、The boat of life has two small oars. I used to paddle alone. With youaround, the boat paddles faster. Every day there is a brand-new scenery. Loveyou. I wish you happiness on this Valentines Day.

  72、Valentines Day husbands criteria: all incomes should be turned in,housework should be contracted voluntarily, everything should be asked andreported, everything should be clear, all entertainment should be pushed off,overtime should be cancelled, romantic atmosphere should be created, giftsshould be of high grade, and wives should be happy!

  73、The most beautiful encounter in life is you; The most beautiful seasonin years is you. It is warm to have your company, and happy to have your hand inhand. I hold your hand in this life, and I only wish to accompany you all thetime.

  74、You and I met today, Valentines Day in except my comrade, the brightmoon. Born Cowherd and Weaver Girl, the true love in the world comes to look forit. Not afraid of the galaxy road, the magpie bridge meets sweetly. I only wishto be with you in this life, and be happy on Valentines Day night. HappyValentines Day!

  75、The sun makes me feel bright, the moon makes me feel silvery white, thepeony makes me feel noble, the music makes me feel moving, the love makes mefeel sweet, the first night makes me feel excited, and people make me feelforever!

  76、Happy Valentines Day to the love of my life!Your smile brightens every day and your love warms my heart.

  77、To my sweet Valentine,on this special day I want you to know how much you mean to me. I love you now and always.

  78、You light up my life,my love. Happy Valentines Day to the person who makes every day better just by being in it.

  79、Wishing you all the love and happiness your heart can hold this Valentines Day and always.

  80、Happy Valentines Day to my forever and always,my one true love.

  81、To the person who holds the key to my heart,happy Valentines Day!I am so grateful for you.

  82、You make every day feel like Valentines Day,my love. I am so lucky to have you. Happy Valentines Day!

  83、Happy Valentines Day to the person who makes my life complete. I love you more with each passing day.

  84、To my soulmate,happy Valentines Day!You are my everything and I am so grateful to have you by my side.

  85、Happy Valentines Day to my partner in crime and my best friend. I love you now and forever.

  86、Also,about valentines day,here are some interesting facts about Valentines Day that you may not know:

  87、Origin of Valentines Day:The origin of Valentines Day can be traced back to ancient Rome,where a festival called Lupercalia was held to celebrate love and fertility.

  88、Tradition of Giving Flowers and Chocolates:Giving flowers and chocolates are the most common gifts for Valentines Day,and these two traditions both originated in 19th—century Europe.

  89、Red and Pink Traditions of Valentines Day:Red and pink are the representative colors of Valentines Day,representing passion and romance,respectively.

  90、I didnt think that I could ever trust happiness then I met you Happy Valenti nes Day, Dear

  91、Our love grows stronger with every passing year Happy Valentines Day, Baby

  92、You have been And still are my only true Valentine

  93、After all these years I still feel like a schoolboy when I hold your handIm thinking of you this Valentines Day

  94、You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms. I can’t let you go.HappyValentine’s Day.

  95、May you two share every day of life together till forever.

  96、You mean everything to me. Please say yes.Happy Valentine’s Day, Honey!

  97、My love, You are like a flower, So sweet and pure and fair.

  98、You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms I cant let you go Happy Valentines Day

  99、I didnt think that I could ever trust happiness Then I met youHappy Valenti nes Day, Dear

  100、Be genuine and conceal notingI write every wiod I wand to say on this small cardI wish my honey a happy Valentines day

  101、As always ,I hope the sweetheart festival to be joyful!

  102、I want to hold your hand on Valentines Day Happy Valentines Day, sweetie

  103、May all of our wishes come true this Valentines Day

  104、Our love grows stronger with every passing year Happy Valentines Day, sweetie

  105、Sending you a kiss to say Im glad that you are mine Happy the day!

  106、You mean everything to me Please say yesHappy Valentines Day, Honey!

  107、May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance Happy Valentines Day Honey!

  108、Love cant disguise and lost dont stray, no matter how you must always be the future difficult; strong If tomorrow, still be in your heart, I am willing to bear the stray love, with you, creating a scope

  109、Tell you seven sweet neo-confucianism: concern me, Think more about me, Take care of me, Many painful me, More see me, Multiple messages to me, Realized that you have such a lovely me! Ha ha, happy valentines day!

  110、On one second break up next seconds to miss, habit at bedtime shout you baby, hidden million times forever in hand inside, let me everyday slowly. All wishes me to bear, as long as you want!

  111、Thoughts are the heart of red rose field, beautiful and empty, Reading is a person, it is heart, sweet and alone. When miss when together, is happy, White valentines day came, happiness is I want to gift to you!

  112、Have a kind of happiness is thinking of you, have a kind of happiness is read you, have a kind of sweetness is waiting you, there is a treasure is pain you, a kind of habit is concerned about you, gutty and romantic valentines day with you together!

  113、Beautiful mind, is also tortured people worry, love makes us pull good nearly so close, distance we pull of so far. I am looking forward to your bright smile and bright eyes, in my life, twinkle like gold bloom willfully.

  114、Stupid linger on you, silly looking at you, for your random heart, exhausting. As collateral for love and affection for you, chi tumbled mood, teach me know what course to follow! Valentines day night, can accompany me for dinner?

  115、Valentines day is a beautiful day. I have no earthshaking love declaration, also do not have lasting love commitment. I just wanted to tell you I than on a second love you more! Happy valentines day!

  116、Let valentines day: the boss, automobile let down your flowers fragrant await you, you, the handsome boy, with you, love is sweet with you, and I want to die you! Happy valentines day!

  117、Today I send express the most expensive chocolates and roses for you and your lover, as a valentines day gift; To say 1 with you, this gift is up to you to checkout, Valentines day happiness along.

  118、Valentines day arrived, I sing for you celebrate: you come back, I dont know how to do one meal. You come back soon, dining table for you and wonderful. Dont let my stomach empty like the sea! Happy valentines day.

  119、Your name is my love sayings, the only word, you are my love the sea, the only flight! Allows you to join me on this flight had a happy romantic valentines day!

  120、Information like candy, long a star, it is sweet! Candy to eat many, would be boring! Afraid you vexed, so I just occasionally give you a star, because I want to the sweetest a star for you: baby, it is cold, attention body!

  121、For you make poem - endless sky waving small, like laughing at me of chi, why you as selfish? Cruel let me empty acacia, racking my brains to write poems, backstabbing bitterness who know? Only a fool to read this poem...

  122、Your smile hide in my heart, spring breeze I for you move feeling, the moon shines on my missing you, the past seems in dreams, this life is doomed loving you, heartfelt, never to be parted again.

  123、Lost time past diluent, but will wash not to each other true friendship, borrow this message, I want to say to you: you always happy, is my biggest wish, You always happy, is I sincerely hope!

  124、Dont tube economy, how you overcame regretless; Dont tube storm how bad, you will not lack; Also dont tube crisis has long, have you again without beg. I to the most dear baby born, you are all of my life.

  125、Love is the most beautiful that word eyes scenery, was in the heart of the most beautiful nashan misery is the most dazzling heaven and earth that pearl. Lots of love, way of endless lingering, merged into a sentence: miss you!

  126、See your smile is happiest, see your tears are the worlds most aftertaste, see you angry appearance is the most unforgettable, but did not see your information is in the world the most pitiful!

  127、Life is hard to avoid rainy day, but always calm after the storm. I like an umbrella, rain or shine, will be on your side.

  128、If she breaks your heart, if she says goodbye, if she doesnt abandonme, I will run to you.

  129、There is Jiamu in the south and Acacia in the north. Jiamu wind canprompt and Acacia cannot be broken.

  130、The king as a rock, concubine as a thin reed. Puwei is as tough as silk,and the rock has no transfer.

  131、There is a boat to cross the sea, and a path to the mountain isfeasible. Love is separated from mountains and seas, and mountains and seascannot be leveled.

  132、Give me six dollars. I want to drink yogurt. I want to grow taller andprotect you.

  133、In the future, my name will be 89, and your name will be 10, becausenine times out of ten.

  134、If you dont want to be lovesick, you can avoid lovesickness. Afterseveral times of careful consideration, I would rather suffer fromlovesickness.

  135、I am not born to you, but I am born to you and to be old. I hate notbeing born at the same time, and I am good to you every day.

  136、Hold you in my arms, accompany you for the rest of my life, hold you inmy arms, and protect your peace for the rest of my life.

  137、The story is long, but when I see you, I will make a long story short.I like you.

  138、Even if there is a break-up, dont live up to the meeting. Meet welland say goodbye well.

  139、The mind of Qingnian, the person in color pen painting, Eucommiaulmoides and Gardenia, hand in hand with Guizhi.

  140、If you dont think about lovesickness, you can avoid lovesickness.After careful consideration several times, I would rather suffer fromlovesickness!

  141、There is a boat to cross the sea, and a path to the mountain isfeasible. If you love the sea, the mountains and seas can be flat.

  142、Weak water is 3,000, and I only take one ladle to drink. Beauty isfleeting, and Iraq will never leave you.

  143、The still water is deep, and you can sing songs; Three students arefull of joys and sorrows.

  144、First companionship, last need. The farthest distance, the nearestheartbeat.

  145、May you travel with company and get what you want. May you have abright life and love each other without injury.

  146、Because of love, we come together, because of love, we will behappy.

  147、If she breaks your heart, if she says goodbye. If I dont abandon it, Iwill run to you.

  148、I am willing to win a heart, and the white head does not leave; Youremember me for a moment, and I read you for half a lifetime.

  149、I think our friendship has come to an end. Then, be my girlfriend.

  150、I used to be surnamed Zhang, but now I am surnamed Fu. I am very happyto meet you.

  151、The strongest feelings are always warm and cold; The person who knowsbest is the warmest companion.

  152、Cant sleep all night, take clothes and play the piano. Sitong istouching and makes sad sounds for me.

  153、Do you want to eat for takeout? Want some hot pot? What to eat tonight?Can it be me?

  154、Thanks for having you, life is not lonely; Thank you, the distance isnot far away.

  155、Because of your arrival, I went running, quit smoking and workedhard.

  156、Before I found you, after I lost you, happiness never came.

  157、To win, win him vigorously; If you want to lose, you will lose him withno regrets.

  158、Valentines Day is coming, I would like to be your lover all mylife.

  159、On this romantic Valentines Day, I only dedicate myself to my dearestyou! Happy valentines day!

  160、A long-hanging heart always misses you.

  161、Companionship is a long confession. I want to accompany you from sunriseto sunset.

  162、Because of you, happiness is accompanied by warmth.

  163、Send you a piece of chocolate, wish your love is always sweet.

  164、On Valentines Day, those who love you sincerely wish you happinessforever and ever!

  165、I want to give you a lot of prosperity and love you deeply.

  166、Life, getting on a ship of true feelings, romantic and sweet.

  167、May your love be sweet and happiness forever!

  168、You are my baby, I want to hold you in my heart!

  169、From now on, two people will stay together!

  170、When two feelings are endless for a long time, hand in hand.

  171、At this time, I am only willing to follow you, knowing each other andstaying together. Happy Valentines Day!

  172、Your dreamy charm makes me have no regrets.

  173、On Valentines Day, send my truest prayer: Love for a long time.

  174、I married you in this life, and my love is not in doubt.

  175、Valentines Day is coming, I would like to stay with you until I getold.

  176、My future is with you. Happy valentines day!

  177、I really love you! Happy valentines day!

  178、With the protection of love, life is not lost. Happy valentinesday!

  179、Valentines Day is coming. I would like to spend my whole life withyou.

  180、My husband and wife have the same heart. Happy valentines day!

  181、All my life, I just want to grow old hand in hand with you. Happyvalentines day!

  182、I only want to spend Valentines Day with you.

  183、All my life, my love. Happy valentines day!

  184、No matter how big the world is, I only see you. Happy valentinesday!

  185、Love and a cough cannot be hid.

  186、one has ever loved me the way you do I love being your little Valentine

  187、i know you like this song most and i know what you are thinking about,too,i miss you .

  188、If two past lovers can remain friends,it’s either they were never in love or they still are.

  189、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you cant have them.

  190、i didnt think that i could ever trust happiness. then i met you. happy valenti nes day,dear.

  191、Love triumphs over everthing. Love has no age, no limit and no death.

  192、be genuine and conceal noting.i write every wiod i wand to say on this small card.i wish my honey a happy valentine’s day.

  193、I will be your Valentine until the end of time.

  194、Love is not only a sentiment but also an art.

  195、one has ever loved me the way you do. i love being your little valentine.

  196、Our love grows stronger with every passing year. Happy Valentines Day, Baby.

  197、man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,wont make you cry.

  198、do you understand the feeling of missing someone? it is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.

  199、love is not only a sentiment but also an art.

  200、I didn’t think that I could ever trust happiness. Then I met you.Happy Valenti ne’s Day,Dear.

  201、Happy Valentines Day!!

  202、May I wish that all Jacks shall have Jills, all shall be well.

  203、Sending you a kiss to say I’m glad that you are mine. Happy the day!

  204、On this Valentines Day,just like every day,all I have is love for you.

  205、To my one and only Valentine:I love you.

  206、after all these years i still feel like a schoolboy when i hold your hand. im thinking of you this valentines day.

  207、You and me together,we can make magic.

  208、I made the right choice when I decided to marry you Be my Valentine forever

  209、our love grows stronger with every passing year. happy valentines day,baby.

  210、May you two share every day of life together till forever.



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